Archive for the 'New Social Documentary' Category

More golden oldies from Sarah’s vault. I wrote this essay as an undergrad (1999 I think;) it’s not bad, a little naive, but I make some good points and have a few great examples. Mark and Bourke-White certainly have much in common.
Bourke-White marks the evolution from the machine aesthetic to the more human approach. […]

Andrea Modica at Catherine Edelman Gallery
I just noticed that Andrea Modica is showing at Chicago’s Catherine Edelman Gallery; wish I could afford a Treadwell print - but “…8 x 10″ platinum/palladium contact prints made in an edition of 20 with 3 AP’s … range from $2000 to $6000 depending on how many have sold in […]

Raised By Wolves as a Non-Fictional Multi-Media Narrative
I was reminded of this essay when I recently posted about Antoine D’Agata’s social documentary work. I wrote this essay back in 2001; I was taking an English course on narrative from Rick Fehrenbacher. Being a fan of Jim Goldberg’s work I saw great a great opportunity’s to […]

Magnum Photos- Antoine D’Agata
I can think of no photographer today who better characterizes new social documentary than Antoine D’Agata. D’Agata was actually taking courses at ICP in 199o while Larry Clark and Nan Goldin were there. All three share a raw insider viewpoint, but I believe only D’Agata is able to transcend and break out […]