P 208 :: Syllabus

The course addresses the photograph as a narrative or illustrative medium used in support of the text content of publications. Student are required to produce photographic essays, shoot feature and event photography. Students will look at the importance of content and composition in their photography and be encouraged to search for personal photojournalistic stories.

Prerequisites EN102, P102, P201 P207


Propose and execute photojournalism imagery.

Demonstrate Associated Press writing style.

Apply photojournalistic lighting technique.

Demonstrate knowledge of current events.

Demonstrate knowledge of current trends in photojournalism.


Materials & Supplies:

Photojournalism: The Professional Approach 5th Edition by Kenneth Kobre

Jump/flash drive, 1G or more

10 Recordable CD’s and jewel cases for storage and submission of work

Reporter's Notepad

20+ High Quality Photographic Prints


Lab/Classroom Policies: Clean up after yourself. No food or beverages in the room, ever. E-mail, video games, instant messaging, inappropriate use of the web, cell phones, music without headphones, will NOT be tolerated. Be professional and constructive. During presentations full attention will be given to the discussion.


AI's Student Policies: Refer to the Student Handbook, Students with Disabilities, Student Conduct Policy, Academic Dishonesty

Course Length 11 Weeks Contact Hours 60 Credit Value 4.0 Estimated Homework Hours 6-7 hours per week

Grading and Attendance

Shoots 1 -5 (10% each) 50%

Report and Research (5% each) 10%

Final Story 20%

Weeklies 10%

Final Portfolio 5% (students are responsible for archiving their own work.)

Class Participation 5%


Grades: Work will be evaluated throughout the quarter (not just the due date) for understanding of the assignment, concept/idea, depth of investigation, amount of challenge, time/effort, technical quality and overall effectiveness. Your grade will also be affected by attendance, participation during lab time, participation in and preparedness for and in-progress critiques, individual conferences and the final group critique, as well as use of class time, general involvement and interest. Any grade below a C- will be considered a failing grade.


Late work will NOT be accepted.


Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. Students who accumulate a total of 4 absences in a course will be dropped from the course and a grade of FS (failed/suspended) will be recorded for the course.


Tardiness: Don’t be late, your grade WILL be affected. Two tardies will count as an absence.