P 108 :: Syllabus

Course Description

In this survey of the history of photography students will be introduced to the basics of the history of the medium, including major historic processes and key photographers. The course look at the historical and cultural influences that have made photography the powerful communication tool that it is today.
Prerequisites: EN101 or approval of the department chair


Core Course Competencies

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:


Course Length: 10 weeks
Contact Hours: 60 Hours
Credit Value: 5 Credits
Estimated Homework Hours: 3-5 Week



Grading Scale

The grading scale is: A 100-93%, A- 92-90%, B+ 89-88%, B 87-83%, B- 82-80%, C+ 79-78%, C 77-73%, C- 72-70%, D+ 69%, D 68%, F 67%, and below

Grading Policies

Work will be evaluated throughout the quarter (not just the due date) for understanding of the assignment, concept/idea, depth of investigation, amount of challenge, time/effort, technical quality and overall effectiveness. Your grade will also be affected by attendance, participation during class time, participation in and preparedness for discussions, group work and other assignments, general involvement and interest.

Course Grading

Midterm Test 15%

Final Test 15%
Notes 5%
Seminar Topic 5%
Gallery Visit 5%
Image Hunt 5%
Quizzes 20%
RE Assignment 10%
Paper and Presentation 15%
Class Participation 5%
Review (local photo exhibition) extra credit

Class Policies

Come prepared and ready to work. No food or beverages in the labs. Inappropriate use of e-mail, video games, messaging, the web, cell phones, music, or headphones, will NOT be tolerated. Be professional and constructive.

Late work

Late work will NOT be accepted The written excuse and ALL work is due the first class back.


Seizing the Light: a History of Photography, Robert Hirsch. McGraw Hill.

Materials and Supplies

Metro Fare – about $5

Attendance Policy

 AiW Attendance Policy

The Art Institute’s attendance policy is designed to meet the requirements of state and regional accreditation, to support to the mission and goals of the organization, and to improve the academic performance of students through adherence to industry and educational standards of personal and professional development. Faculty members are required to record attendance accurately. Attendance is directly tied to academic performance. Excessive absenteeism can result in severe academic penalties, including a failing grade for a course or removal from the course. Should absence be necessary, students are responsible for course material covered during the time of absence. Students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled classes, including the first class of the quarter. They are expected to arrive on time and to stay for the full duration of the class. Students may drop or add classes during the first week of the quarter. Students who fail to drop a class during drop/add period will be financially responsible for the cost of the class. Students who do not attend any of their classes during the drop/add period will be with­drawn from the college. Students who miss seven total consecutive days of all scheduled classes, or 20 total calendar days from the date of last attendance in all scheduled courses (whichever is less), will be terminated from the college.

Photographic Imaging Attendance Policy

In the Photographic Imaging Program students are required to:

Absences and lateness will result in accruing attendance points

Students who accumulate 8 attendance points in a course will be dropped four (4) letter grades from their final course grade, resulting in an automatic failure of the course.

All appeals will be made through the program director’s office
Sarah Wichlacz swichlacz@aii.edu


Academic Support Services

Students are expected to utilize resources such as the campus library for research assignments and academic support center for tutoring needs.  Information on these services can be found on the student portal at myaicampus.com.


Students with Disabilities

The Art Institute of Washington provides accommodations to qualified students with disabilities.  The Disability Services Office assists qualified students with disabilities in acquiring reasonable and appropriate accommodations and in supporting equal access to services, programs and activities at The Art Institute of Washington  Students who seek reasonable accommodations should notify the Disabilities Services Coordinator at (Arber Winn, 703-247-2685 ) of their specific limitations and, if known their specific requested  accommodations. Students will be asked to supply medical documentation of the need for accommodation.  Classroom accommodations are not retroactive, but are effective only upon the student sharing approved accommodations with the instructor.  Therefore, students are encouraged to request accommodations as early as feasible with the Disability Services Coordinator to allow for time to gather necessary documentation.  If you have a concern or complaint in this regard, please contact the Dean of Student Affairs in Room 1107, telephone 703-247-6841.  Complaints will be handled in accordance with the school’s Internal Grievance Procedure for Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment.


Quarter Credit Hour Definition

A quarter credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning  outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than

Student Conduct Policy

The Art Institute of Washington recognizes its students as responsible and dedicated men and women who are preparing for career employment.  An integral part of their career and professional development is the expectation that they conduct themselves during the education process in the same manner as will be expected in all employment situations.  As members of The Art Institute of Washington community, students have responsibilities and duties commensurate with their rights and privileges.  In this policy, The Art Institute of Washington provides guidance to students regarding those standards of student conduct and behavior that it considers essential to its educational mission.  This policy also provides guidance regarding the types of conduct that infringe upon the fulfillment of the Institute’s mission.  Please see pages 31 to 38 in the Student Handbook for complete details.


Academic Dishonesty

The Art Institute of Washington does not tolerate academic dishonesty.  Disciplinary offenses against the student code of conduct concerning academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, cheating on assignments or examinations; engaging in unauthorized collaboration on academic work; taking, acquiring or using test materials without faculty permission; submitting false or incomplete records of academic achievement; altering, forging or misusing a college academic record; fabricating or falsifying data, research procedures, or data analysis; and deceiving the college and/or its officials.   If you are suspected of academic dishonesty of any kind, your instructor reserves the right to fail you for the assignment or the course.  Students may appeal in writing to the Dean of Academic Affairs.  Please refer to the student code of conduct in the Student Handbook for further explanation.